Monday, September 19, 2011

Bad News

I am having to postpone this awesome challenge, but hopefully I will be able to start up in the November session as I am chomping at the bit to get back into fitness full force!

thanks for the support :)


Friday, September 16, 2011

Body on Display

So today I had my body assessment and nutrition talk. The body assessment was getting weighed and measured and my body mass index calculated. The good news is that I am not as off as I thought!! Woo hoo! But in any case, I will post pictures of my body and I will post my body measurements so that we can track my progress.I am glad I am getting older and I am not so uptight about broadcasting my body measurements to the world :) Besides, achieving a goal is so much more fun if people come along for the ride and when they know the hurdles that have been crossed. My first class is on Monday morning - and I will admit to you know, I am nervous. I am nervous about getting winded within 5 secs and I am nervous about feeling super sore after. Hopefully my jitters are unfounded and it will be awesome!

The nutrition talk was such good information - a good refresher for me having been through this before, and a wake-up call of how the slippery slope of bad eating has made it's way into my lifestyle. Fall always seems like new years for me, and it is SO time for a new beginning!


Monday, September 12, 2011

My Bootcamp Challenge

You know the dream where you are walking around in public stark naked? Yeah, that's what it felt like showing up at my first bootcamp class - I was freaked out! . Vulnerable and exposed, I thought "everyone is going to notice that I don't fit in". Here I was in my dirty sweat pants and t-shirt and there were all these seemingly fit people wearing super trendy workout outfits. I don't know what kept me from getting in my car and driving away! I hadn't exercised since high school a decade earlier and I would often get winded going up a flight of stairs (clearly out of shape). Sheesh - what was I doing at a bootcamp?!

Well, to my surprise, I was amongst friends and comrades and all of us found the workouts challenging, but also incredibly satisfying. Not only did we notice changes in our bodies, we noticed changes in our lifestyles - our physical capabilities increased and our confidence grew - it was an incredibly intense and rewarding experience. In fact, after doing two bootcamps, when I saw the bootcamp posted a job, I thought I could actually try it and I became a bootcamp assistant! If you knew me back then, you would think this is funny. It was a cool career that ended when I moved away a few years back unfortunately, and the exercising went to the wayside, and so....

...Here I am at the beginning, feeling naked again, my first day of bootcamp approaching at the end of September. Not only am I totally out of shape again, but I have also had a baby so my body has changed. So, I came up with the following two lists to help me out:

FAMILY - I have a toddler, so I need to get care while I workout. I am breastfeeding still, will it affect my milk?

TIME -I already have so much to do and not enough time, how do I prioritize a few workouts a week!
MONEY - Can I afford it and if so, will it be worth it?

BODY - will I be able to keep up? Will the recovery after each workout make it hard for me to deal with my life?


FAMILY - I want to feel physically stronger to carry and lift my child, groceries, etc. I want to be healthy for myself and for them
TIME - It is good to get help and support for a good cause - my friends and family might appreciate lending a hand watching my daughter
MONEY - I don't need a latte a few times a week and I think my health is totally worth it

BODY- I want to invest in my 30 year old body as well as my 40, 50, 60, 70, 80/90 year old body. Exercise will keep me independent and healthy longer. I also don't have the same youth I use to - the longer I wait, the harder it is. I can have the body of my dreams if I apply myself.

So I called Loreli at AlterEgo Fitness - who I met in my earlier bootcamping days and I (big gulp) told her I wanted to sign up. We came up with the blog idea, and so here goes - anyone who is interested, can follow my 6 week progress through my excuses, my victories, my fat burning, my cellulite and healthy eating to a better version of me! I need to have my initial assessment and goal setting, so I will (incredibly vulnerably) post a picture of me in a bathing suit (BIG GULP) and my body measurements to track my changes. I will also post my goals.

Share this around - my hope is to motivate folks to get fit!! Your comments and encouragements are always appreciated.....
